Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Nothing's Ever Easy {WIW}

Nothing's easy.  I've had a grand plan of getting back on track by tracking my WW points, drinking more water...and exercising.   We get in at least a couple of miles a day in dog walks, but I had planned to start working out this week in the home-gym that we set up in the garage.  Most of my plan fell apart mid-week for various reasons.

I went out to the garage yesterday to work out.  I did work out a little, but spent most of the time I had available trying to get my work out area back into a condition where I could actually use the equipment.  My husband has been working for months (ok, weeks...)- installing a sprinkler system himself and then just yesterday we finally had the sod laid.

Our back yard.  After the patio, pergola, sprinkler system and sod!

We have big clumps of dirt EVERYWHERE--including my work out area.  I've finally gotten everything cleaned up and moved back so I can use the equipment.  I'm ready.  I worked out for 30 minutes in between vacuuming, wiping stuff off and moving things around.  Again, nothing's easy.

The fancy garage-work out room.   Functional, just not pretty.

My Plan

Tracking WW points - Beginning today.  This is such a challenge for me because I am only home about 60% of the time.  And looking at the calendar, we have company coming to the lake for the next three week-ends.  Some of that time will be spent in the boat on the lake--in a bathing suit.  Surely I can stay within points during this time?!?

Water - I love drinking water.  My problem is I get busy (I work at home) and forget to go downstairs and get water.  I've got the Brita pitcher full and ready to go!  I will drink 64 oz of water a day.

A big jar of water.  Lemon would be awesome, but I need a trip to the grocery store!

Exercise - In addition to the 2 miles+ in dog walks, I will get some additional form of exercise at least 4 days a week.  Remember I am frequently gone for 3 to 4 days at a time.  With the company coming and my frequent absences from home this will be difficult.  I have to make sure I hit the goal on the weeks I am home --and get more creative when I am gone part of the week.  Excerise might be working out with weights, getting on the treadmill, another good 30 minute walk or getting on the elliptical that we are housing for some friends.

Blog About It!  Blog about my successes (and failures) weekly.  I've wanted to get my blog going again.  And although I am not sure I want to blog every day and track everything I eat, I want to keep a weekly account of my food/exercise. Committing to sharing my status with you will help keep me on track with my goals.

I've had a very difficult time lately getting and staying on track.  During that time, I was really not active in the WIW FB group.  I appreciate all of your support and am excited to be an active participant in that group again.  I really love this group and value their friendship and support!

Here's to getting back on track.  Have a great week!

Linking up:

Weigh in Wednesday at Making 40 Fantastic!


  1. So glad you are back to blogging Liane! And I know you've got this!!!! Sounds like you are getting your head on straight and getting mentally into it. Even if you don't blog it all, making yourself photograph your food helps you make mindful decisions. Thanks for linking up!!!

    1. Kim, I'll try taking photos. I just know I am setting myself up for failure if I plan to post every day. Won't ever happen with my work scheduled. Having a plan does feel good!

  2. Liane, I do think blogging about it helps. Between our Facebook group and blogging, there's accountability. It is important to have that exercise area cleaned and ready; no excuses. I also had to clean out room so I could even get to my treadmill. Since moving to a small place, there's just not as much room for everything. But the treadmill for me is a must. After all, I live in Phoenix and with triple digit heat I have to exercise inside.

    Have fun at the lake! It sounds like fun and motivation if you're going to be wearing your bathing suit. :)

    Blessings and love,

    1. Debbie, I was in Phoenix in May. Texas gets hot, but Phoenix is the extreme. I KNOW you have to exercise inside. Thanks for your support and always being such a positive influence!

  3. Hope you have an awesome time at the lake! Sounds like you got the workout area the way you need it to be to put it to use! And I LOVE your water jar. I'm looking forward to seeing your progress and check-ins each week. I find it motivating and encouraging for myself, so I'm hoping to hold myself accountable to checking in weekly again myself. Sounds like you're upcoming week will be busy, however, You can TOTALLY rock your week out! :)

    1. Thank you RaZella! I am REALLY digging this big water jar. And today as an added treat I have lemon it it! I'm glad you are back at it - it's good to be back and I am glad you are back!

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