Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Whole 30 Recap {WIW}

During the month of August, Rad and I followed the Whole 30 program. Honestly, when I started it, I wasn't sure I'd be able to complete it. No sugar, grains, dairy or legumes for a whole 30 days! YIKES! But once we started, I realized it wasn't that difficult. And honestly, I felt better than I had for a long time. Apparently simple foods agree with my body. In about 6 weeks, I've lost about 15 pounds!  Now that feels good!

Since the end of the Whole 30, we've basically been eating the same foods. None of the forbidden foods. I have since added in a little coconut milk creamer for my coffee and I have cooked a few times with a little almond or coconut flour. I guess it is similar to a Paleo diet now. I'm happy with the small additions to the diet and think I can continue eating like this, at least for a while. There are lots of things I miss, especially cereal and oatmeal of all things, but mostly I find if you are creative enough you can come up with a version of food that doesn't include forbidden foods.

Here's a quick list of things I love:

Fruit infused water. I've been putting everything you can think of in water. A mixture of berries and melons; lemon and basil; cucumber and melon and Rad's favorite lemon and mint. So refreshing and since I haven't had a soft drink in over a month, I need something to drink!

Cool Gear Bento Box. I picked up these little containers at Walmart for my daughter who is a teacher and myself. They are awesome! The bottom container expands and collapses to hold larger food items and the blue freezer tray is great as it helps to keep your food cold.

Paleo Coconut Curry Chicken. I made this recipe last night and I have to say this is my favorite new recipe. I think the curry and fresh ginger make up for the lack of rice it might be served on. Definitely worth a try if you like curry.

In other fun news, I want to share something non-food related with you. A friend of mine talked me into entering a quilt into our little, local county fair. Never having done this before I was a little nervous about a quilt disappering never to be seen again. So I selected a small quilt that I made a while back. And I won a blue ribbon! It was lots of fun to see my quilt on display and I will definitely plan to enter a few items next year.

I'm linking up with Kim of Just for Clicks for Weigh-In Wednesday.

Have a great week everyone!


  1. So glad you wrote a blog post on your progress. I will check out these recipes and thanks for including them. I take my lunch with me to work each day and love containers like the ones you mentioned.

    Keep up the good work.

    Blessings and love,

    1. Those Bento boxes are the best! My daughter also takes her lunch so was super excited about them. Didn't realize just how fantastic they were until I got them home and really looked at them. I know a blog post was a long-time coming. But I felt I needed to get to the end of Whole 30 to really talk about my progess.

  2. First of all CONGRATULATIONS on the blue ribbon. How cool is that??? Thanks for linking up. I've been anxious to hear about your Whole 30 experience. Love the idea of fruit infused water and will definitely start keeping a pitcher in my fridge.... thinking I'll try a citrus one first. It's been in the upper 90's here so that sounds SO good right now. And I'll definitely look for those Bento boxes.... Keeping good food available is SO key to keeping me on track.

    1. The fruit infused water is truly a huge help. The cucumber melon was awesome too. It's more refreshing too. I had some little cuties that needed to go and used them with lemon and lime. So good. It's too hot here as well--September is another August for those in Texas/So. Oklahoma. I'm ready for fall! Thanks for the congrats!
